RELATED Information
History of ConnectSuperior
ConnectSuperior is a dynamic endeavor that will close the digital divide in the City of Superior.
Since 2021, City Councilors, Administration & Staff have worked together to lay the groundwork to ensure the expansion of affordable, accessible broadband service for the citizens of Superior.
Superior Broadband Webinar
Community Engagement - April 2021
Superior Broadband Webinar
Community Engagement - May 2021
Superior Broadband Master Plan
Superior City Council - August 2021
ConnectSuperior Feasibility Study
Superior City Council - September 2023
City of Superior Broadband Utility Ordinance
Superior City Council - October 2023
Construction Bid for Phase 1 Awarded
Superior City Council - July 2024
A Message From Mayor Paine
Reliable internet connectivity is essential in the 21st century. Just as electricity enabled the first industrial revolution, fiber optic infrastructure is the foundation for the digital revolution. Residents in our city have been paying too much for mediocre access to the internet. As Superior’s Mayor, I have made it a key priority of the City to build and establish local control of this essential infrastructure. The goals of the City for this project include the following -
1. Lower the cost of internet access by 30% for residents and businesses.
2. Significantly increase the speed and reliability of internet access.
3. Increase competition and give residents multiple options for ISPs on demand in real time.
4. Build a state-of-the-art network that will improve economic development and foster innovation.
5. Leverage the network to improve the services provided in the city including public safety, transportation,
healthcare, education, emergency communications, and new services that will become possible with advanced
network infrastructure.
If this initiative goes forward, the project would be developed with the following principles and objectives:
1. Nobody will be forced to participate. Participation would be on a voluntary, opt-in basis.
2. Taxes would not be increased to fund the network.
3. The ongoing operation of the network would be self-sustaining and not dependent on any kind of subsidy from the City.
The unfortunate reality is that the current dominant internet access model in our country is one where network operators build closed systems that are designed to maximize profit and limit access. Alternatively, the Superior Fiber Utility seeks to maximize value and lower costs through competition. This public infrastructure will be open to any service provider that seeks to offer services in the city. The City has adopted this open model to achieve its goals because the network now touches nearly every part of life in our community.
Jim Paine - Mayor of Superior 2022